Anandagiri (Post), Munjikkal,
Kodaikanal – 624 101, Dindigul Dist.
The first church built in Kodaikanal was the church of Our Lady of La Salette, built by Fr. Saint Cyr S.J. in 1866 by the donation of a Belgian lady who wanted to thank Our Lady of La Salette for the cure of her daughter. As the Catholic population in Kodaikanal was growing apace, the need of a parish church was felt. Fr. Sebasthier S.J. bought in 1909 a site in Munjikkal where a large portion of those Indian Catholics who had come up as butlers or watchmen or peons of Westerners had settled down. The church was completed in 1910.
Foundation stone was laid on 15th May, 1910 for parish church by the Bishop Barthe S.J. and the artistic and exquisite present parish Church was consecrated on October 4, 1911 by the same Bishop. In 1983 the Diamond Jubilee of the Church was celebrated. Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus, the titular feast of the parish, is celebrated in the month of June every year. The feast of our Lady of La Saleth is celebrated on a very grant scale every August 15. On 15.08.2007, Kodaikanal parishes were carved out of Batlakundu Vicariate to form a new vicariate having Munjikkal as its centre.
In the beginning, the fathers and scholastics of Sacred Heart College, Shenbaganur went to minister to the needs of the parish. The first parish priest was Fr. Jolly S.J. Fr. Bonhoure S.J., who had a great devotion to the Sacred Heart created the monument of the Sacred Heart appearing to Margaret Mary in 1947 – 1949. Fr. D. Kulandairaj S.J. who was friendly with all, particularly to Fr. R. Croegeart and with their help built in 1973 the spacious and stately building called ‘Natpaham’. According to the wish of the donors the ground floor was meant to be a recreation hall for the youth, for which Fr. D. Kulandairaj S.J. managed to get from the Jesuit provincial a big Billiard Table – and the top floor to be a training centre for girls to learn stitching, embroidery and fiber work.
Fr. Arul Joseph started a charismatic group which is active still. Fr. A. Vedamanickam renovated the church, changed the wooden altar into a store altar, had it consecrated and celebrated fittingly the platinum jubilee of the church.
Fr. Susai Michaelraj moved by the pitiable condition of Christians formed the Indian Christian Association. He formed Korshak. This aims at raising funds in order to facilitate mother-child welfare care, social welfare literary programme; education, marriage and burial assistance.
It was during the time of Fr. L. Anandam (1995- 1999), the parish saw a socio-political and religious awakening. He formed Kodai Pastors’ Fellowship (KPF), Kodaikanal Minority Forum (KMF) and Kodaikanal Christian Schools’ Correspondents’ Forum (KCSC). It was not only the parishners of Munjikkal, the Christian population of the Hills at large gained self-respect and self-dignity. Fr. L. Anandam upgraded R.C. Middle School into R.C. High School and brought it from Bliss Villa to parish campus. Due to his strenuous efforts, the Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies’ Go Down was vacated and High School could function from Natpagam building. The Hill in-front of the parish church was leveled and it became assembly Ground for the School. Fr. L. Anandam took also initiatives to start Higher Secondary School. As he had promised, he built the Higher Secondary building even after he was transferred to Poonamallee Seminary as Professor of theology.
La Saleth Shrine as well saw new growth during the time of Fr. L. Anandam. La saleth Pilgrim’s Hall was built and Extension of La Saleth Church was completed by him. To foster the devotion to Our Lady of La Saleth, he released two Cassettes. He also built St. Antony’s church at Kurinji Nagar, Our Lady of Vailankanni Church at Pambarpuram and he renovated St. Antony’s Church at Anthoniar Street, St. Michael’s Chapel at M.M. Street.
Fr. S. Xavier Raj was involved importantly in the economic welfare of the people by starting self-help groups in all the areas of the parish. This has visibly improved the living standard of the people. He also built Our Lady of Vailankanni Church at Utcot. Fr. M. Appolin Claret Raj who also became the first V.F. of Kodaikanal Vicariate built the way of the cross, set up a huge Grotto of La Saleth on the right side of the Shrine and a pilgrim office. It was in his time that the centenary of the parish church was celebrated during which the Archbishop, Peter Fernando announced La Saleth as Archdiocesan Shrine. Fr. Appolin built the centenary Arch too at the entrance of the parish campus.
The following are the areas covered by the parish: Mannavanur, Gundupatti, Kavunji, La Saleth Church, Call Seal Club Road, Sebastiar’s Church, St. Mary’s Road, Anandagiri 6 streets, Anna Nagar, Indira Nagar, Turnerpuram, Fernhill Road, Somasundaram Colony, Sivanadi Road, Kurinji Nagar, Keell Bhumi, M.M. Street, Observatory, Fatima Malai, Pamparpuram, Annai Teresa Nagar, Vattakanal, Thanthi Medu, Pudukkadu, Bliss villa, Antonyar’s street etc.
- Rev. Fr. Chaunt sheer sj , 1863 -1887
- Rev. Fr. Rabir sj, Jun-Dec 1887
- Rev. Fr. La Barth sj, 1888-1895
- Rev. Fr. Andre sj, 1895-1897
- Rev. Fr. Sabbatiar sj, 1903-1909
- Rev. Fr. Trottan sj, 1909-1911
- Rev.Fr. Jolly sj, 1910-1911
- Rev. Fr. Francis Xavier Brailey sj, 1911-1919
- Rev. Fr. Dupho sj, 1920
- Rev. Fr. Sherack sj, 1921- 1923
- Rev. Fr. Vincent Vignan sj, 1924-1931
- Rev. Fr. John Amarthus sj, 1933-1935
- Rev. Fr. Joseph Agan sj, 1936-1939
- Rev. Fr. Munch Stephen sj, 1939-1942
- Rev. Fr. Thomas sj, 1942-1944
- Rev. Fr. Santiago Joseph sj, 1944-1945
- Rev. Fr. Joseph Agan sj, 1945 -1946
- Rev. Fr. A. Bonhare sj, 1947-1948
- Rev. Fr. Shemburi sj, 1949
- Rev. Fr. Norman Shetty sj, 1950-1956
- Rev. Fr. Louis Kelver sj, 1957-1962
- Rev. Fr. John Clayton sj, 1963
- Rev. Fr. Alex Fernando sj, 1964-1965
- Rev. Fr. D.Kulandairaj sj, 1965-1972
- Rev. Fr. P.S.Amalraj sj, 1975-1976
- Rev. Fr. S.R. Ignatius, 1976-1981
- Rev. Fr. V. Arul Josesh, 1981-1983
- Rev. Fr. A. Vedamanickam, 1983-1985
- Rev. Fr. Sosai Michael Raj, 1985-1989
- Rev. Fr. A. Arul, 1989-1994
- Rev. Fr. A.B. Ambrose, 1994-1995
- Rev. Fr. L. Anandam, 1995-1999
- Rev. Fr. S. Xavier Raj, 1999-2005
- Rev. Fr. A. Charles Heston, 2005-2007
- Rev. Fr. M. Appoline Claret Raj, 2007- 2012
- Rev. Fr. Paul Ignatius 2012 –
a) Our Lady of La saleth Shrine, La saleth
b) St. Antony’s Church, Antoniar Street
c) St. Antony’s Church, Kurinji Nagar
d) Church of Our Lady of Fatima, Fatima Malai
e) Church of Our Lady of Good Health, Pamparpuram
f) Church of Our Lady of Snows, Vattakkana
g) Chapel of St. Paul, the hermit, Pudukadu
h) St. Sebastian’s Church, Turnerpuram
i) Church of our Lady of Immaculate Mary, Observatory
Parish Council, Parish Finance Council, Anbiums.
a) Liturgy group
b) Choir groups
c) Matha Sabai
d) Vincent De Paul Society
e) La Saleth Trust
f) Catechism Teachers Group
g) Altar Boys and Girls
h) Evangelisation Commission
i) Youth Association
j) Christian Movement for Right to live
k) SC/ST, Aama Trust
l) Saleth Annai Benefit Fund
m) MMSSS – 19th Womens’ Organisation
n) MMSSS – 3rd Golphin Organisation
a) House of Imaculate Heart of Mary, Munjikkal, Members – 3,
Ph: 04542-240726
b) Trichy St. Anne’s House, Munjikkal, Members – 4,
Ph : 04542-240370
c) Trichy St. Anne’s Polio home, kodaikanal, Members-2,
Ph: 04542-243686
d) St. Anne’s of Luzern, Munjikkal, Members-3, Phone: 04542-242755
e) Holy Cross Sisters, Pamparpuram, Members-9,
Ph: 04542-240773
f) Sacred Heart Community (Tuticorin), Sivandi Road, Members – 2, Phone: 04542-244024
g) Sisters of St. Joseph of Lyons, Pamparpuram, Members – 2,
Ph: 04542-243799
h) Sisters of St. Joseph of Lyons, Gundupatti, Members – 3, Phone: 04542-244270
i) Daughters of Mary Immaculate, Kavunji, Members – 5, Phone: 04542-276256
j) Bonsecures convent, M.M. Street, Members – 4,
Ph: 04542-243189
a) R.C. Town Primary School, phone: 04542- 240045
students: 299 (69), teachers: 9
b) R.C. Town Higher Secondary School, phone: 04542- 242821
students: 854 (412), teachers: 33 (26)
a) Sisters of Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. John’s Primary School,
Munjikkal, ph-04542-242683, students–626 (170), teachers–15
b) St.John’s Girls’ Higher Secondary School, Munjikkal,
phone: 04542-242231, students – 1012 (378), teachers – 33
c) Sisters of Bon secours, Infant Jesus Primary School, M.M.Street,
ph – 04542-243189, students – 152 (38), teachers – 4
d) Sisters of Cross of Chavanod , St. Teresa’s Primary School,
Pamparpuram, ph – 04542-240474, students – 393 (45), teachers – 9 (7)
e) St. Teresa’s High School, Pamparpuram, phone : 04542-240474,
students : 603 (87), teachers: 11
f) St. Joseph’s Dispensary, Pamparpuram, phone: 04542-240773,
g) Sisters of St. Annes, Trichirappalli, phone: 04542-240370
students: 35 (20), teachers: 02
h) St. Anne’s Techincal Institute, phone: 04542-240370,
students : 75 (35), teachers: 1,
i) Daughters of Mary Immaculate, Kavunji, DMI Convent Women’s
Development and Children, phone: 04542-276256, students : 350
(45) SHG members, Teachers: 3