Parish Name:

Infant Jesus Church


Kavirayapuram- 624216,Silukuvarpatti (Via) Dindigul dt.

Patron Saint:

St. Antony the Great


A Brief history:

Kavirayapuram was once under Silukuvarpatti parish for a very long time. This village is formed by Catholics in 1854. Rev. Fr. Barthiere s.j., the Jesuit missionary constructed a small chapel when he was in charge of this mission. In 1952, Rev. Fr. Ernest Glas demolished that small chapel and constructed another church.

But in 1984Rev. Fr. Vedamanickam, then Silukuvarpatti P.P built the present Infant Jesus Church. Kavirayapuram is in Dindigul dt., East of Nilakottai. In 1989 Kavirayapuram was erected as a new parish.


Succession of parish priest:

1. Fr. V. M. Savarimuthu
2. Fr. S. K. Francis Britto
3. Rev. Fr. D. Kulandai Samy S.J
4.Fr. K. S. Arulanandam
5. Fr. A. Fatimanathan
6. Fr. G. Lourduraj
7. Fr. S. Xavier Raj
8. Fr. Angel Raj
9. Fr. JeganthanÂ
10. Fr. A. Xavier


Substations with chapels

Rayappa Pillai Patti

Participatory structures / associations in the parish



Legion of Mary

Religious in the Parish


Secular Institute



Institutions under the Parish Priest

Nursery and Primary Eng. Medium School

Institutions under the Religious
Kurusadis grottos in the Parish


Name, profession and telephone number of important and influential Catholic in the Parish

Dr. Selvaraj MBBS