Parish Name:
Infant Jesus Church

Infant Jesus Church,Fransalian Centre, Salesian Nagar, Othaiyal – 626 203. Sattur via, Virudhunagar Dist.

Patron Saint:
Infant Jesus
04562 – 268266
A Brief history

Othaiyal was bifurcated from Sattur Parish and was entrusted to the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales (MSFS) in the year 1999. Othaiyal is located in the Sattur Taluk of Virudhunagr Dist. It is surrounded by the Parish of Sattur in the East, Kovilpatti in the South, Sivakasi in the West and R.R. Nagar in the North. The total population of the area is 25,000 among which the Catholic population in 2,100. The presbytery was constructed on 07.04.2001 and the new parochial church was contructed in 02.02.2002.

The following are the Substations of the parish:

i) Melapudhur
ii) Anbin Nagar
iii) Pullakoundanpatti
iv) Paraiapatti (Marganathapuam)
v) Elayirampannai
vi) Madathupatti
vii) Cholaipatti
viii) Vallampatti
ix) Jegaveeranpatti
xii) Nadusurangudi
xiii) Pandhuvarpatti
xiv) Srirengapuram
xv) Puthupatti
xvi) Kanmaisurangudi.


Main occupation:

Coolie work


Year of Construction of parochial Church and Presbytery

i) Parochial Church – 02.02.2002
ii) Presbytery – 07.04.2001


Succession of parish priests

a) Fr. James Ananda Raj, 1999-2002
b) Fr. Sahaya Raj, 2002-2004
c) Fr. Nicholas, 2004-2007
d) Fr. Joseph Xavier, 2007-2009
e) Fr. Ferdinand Sahaya Selvan, 2009-2010
f) Fr. Stephen Xavier 2010 march

Substations with chapels: 11
Participatory structures / associations in the parish:
i) Parish Council
ii) Anbiam
Religious in the Parish:

a) Salesian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, Othaiyal – 626 203.
Sattur via, Virudhunagar Dist.; No. of Members : 3;
Tel. No. 04562 – 288215


Legion of Mary, Youth Animation.

Secular Institute:



Institutions under the Parish Priest:

Primary Schools: In Othaiyal, Elayirampannai and Achankulam