Founder: St. Vincent Pallotti
Founded on: 1835
Patron saint: St. Vincent Pallotti
Feast: 22nd January
Generalate address:
Suore Missionarie Dell Apostotalate (Pallottine), Viale della Nura Auralie
Cattolico, 7/B, 1.00165 Roma.
Provincialate address:
Pallottine Missionary sisters
St. Vincent Krupa Convent, Kothanur (post), Bangalore – 560077, Karnataka.
001 – Nazareth Convent, Mariammalkulam (Post), Tanichiam (Via),
Madurai dt., Tamilnadu – 625221.
Community members: 4
Institutions attached:
1. R.C. School
No. staff and students: 5 & 177.
2. Nazareth Nursery School
No. staff and students: 3 & 95.
No. staff and students: 5 & 177.
2. Nazareth Nursery School
No. staff and students: 3 & 95.
002 – Queen of the Apostles Convent, Pallottine Missionaries sisters,
Palkalai nagar, Rajamkadai, Madurai-21.
Palkalai nagar, Rajamkadai, Madurai-21.
Institutions attached
1. Elizabeth Sanna Girls Home